Agriculture - Farmers Welfare Department
Concerned Department: Agriculture - Farmers Welfare Department
Concerned District:
Organisation Name: Department
Scheme Details:
Scheme Title/Name: Low Tension power tariff subsidy
Associated Scheme:
Sponsered By: State
Funding Pattern: 20% on power consumption charges for 36 months from Date of Commence -ment of Production or date of power connection whichever is later.
Beneficiaries: Manufacturers
Types of Benefits: Subsidy
Eligibility criteria:
Age From:
Age To:
How To avail: 1.For issue of Eligibility Certificate (EC) Within three months from the date of commencement of production or date of power connection, whichever is later. 2. For submission of subsidy claims The first claim should be preferred within 30 days from the date of issue of EC. Subsequent claims should be submitted once in six months i.e. the bills raised by TNEB from January to June should be preferred before August 31st of the year and from July to December before 28th of February of the succeeding year
Validity of the Scheme:
Introduced On:
Description: 251 industrially backward blocks as listed in Annexure I and Industrial Estates promoted by the Government and Agencies like SIPCOT, TANSIDCO (excluding industrial estates located within the radius of 50 kms from Chennai City Centre) All 385 blocks in the State for Agro based enterprises
Scheme Type: Download
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