Agriculture - Farmers Welfare Department
Concerned Department: Agriculture - Farmers Welfare Department
Concerned District:
Organisation Name: Department
Scheme Details:
Scheme Title/Name: Seed Multiplication Scheme of Paddy, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds and Cotton
Associated Scheme:
Sponsered By: State
Funding Pattern: Premium ranges from Re.1 /- to Rs. 3 /- per Kg of seeds Premium for the production of Foundation class @ 7.5% to 30% over and above Local Market Rate and Certified class @ 5% to 20% over and above Local Market Rate per Kg of seed based on the oil seed
Beneficiaries: Farmers
Types of Benefits: Subsidy
Eligibility criteria:
Age From:
Age To:
How To avail: The application is to be submitted to Assistant Agricultural officer at the Village Level Agricultural Officer / Deputy Agricultural Officer at the Block Level The Assistant Director of Agriculture at the Block Level The Joint Director of Agriculture at the District Level
Validity of the Scheme:
Introduced On:
Description: All farmers who produce and supply the seeds to the Department of Agriculture on Contract basis are eligible to enroll and register their seed farms under this programme. Separate allocation will be provided to SC/ST seed growers. Preference will be given to farm All farmers who produce and supply the seeds to the Department of Agriculture on Contract basis are eligible to enroll and register their seed farms under this programme. Separate allocation will be provided to SC/ST seed growers. Preference will be given to farm women groups, Farmers Interest Groups. The farmer so desirous of enrolling himself / herself will be given a training by the authorities concerned at the beginning of each year The required source seed will be supplied by the Department of Agriculture through the Agricultural Extension Centres on payment of the Cost of the seed as per the sale price fixed by the Department. The seeds supplied will have the Certification Tag issued by the Department of Seed Certification The farmers should follow the guidelines given by the field level functionaries / Seed Certification officers to maintain the Quality. The seed Farms should be registered by the Seed Producer viz., the Assistant Director of Agriculture of the respective Blocks on payment of the requisite fees On satisfactorily fulfillment of the field standard during the entire period of the crop, the produce will be declared fit at the field level. This produce is called the Field Run Produce This produce has to satisfy the standards of physical/ genetic purity, moisture levels and germination percentage as prescribed in the Certification standards The produce after inspection by the Seed Certification Officer and with due permission will be moved to the nearest Seed Processing Unit owned by the Department of Agriculture The farmer should bear the transport cost for the transport of the seed to the Seed Processing Unit. After moving the seed to the Seed Processing Unit, initially the farmer will be paid 90% of the Minimum Support Price as declared by the Civil Supplies Department The seeds will be processed in the Seed Processing Unit in the presence of the Seed Certification Officer. On completion of the processing, sample will be drawn by the Seed Certification Officer to test the quality. This sample will be sent to the concerned Seed Testing Lab for testing. The test results will be declared on completion of the testing at the Seed Testing Labs If the seed lot fails to confirm the standards, the farmer has to repay the entire advance paid to him / her in one installment before getting back the stock. On declaration of the results by the authorities as standard the produce will be considered as Seed material Now the farmer is entitled for full payment of the cost for seeds as per the Procurement price fixed for each crop and its class. The farmer will be paid the difference of cost between the full cost eligible and the amount of advance paid as 90%.
Scheme Type: na
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