Agriculture - Farmers Welfare Department
Concerned Department: Agriculture - Farmers Welfare Department
Concerned District:
Organisation Name: Department
Scheme Details:
Scheme Title/Name: Under Integrated Scheme for Oilseeds, Oilpalm and Maize (ISOPOM)
Associated Scheme:
Sponsered By: State
Funding Pattern: 24% flow to SC/ST 30% flow to Women farmer
Beneficiaries: Farmers
Types of Benefits: Incentives
Eligibility criteria:
Age From:
Age To:
How To avail: Village Level Assistant Agricultural officer Block Level Assistant Seed Officer / Deputy Agricultural Officer / Agricultural Officer and Assistant Director of Agriculture District Level Joint Director of Agriculture
Validity of the Scheme:
Introduced On:
Description: i) Production of Foundation and Certified Seeds – Seeds produced and supplied to the Department are entitled for a subsidy of 1000 per quintal. ii) Distribution of Certified seeds – 50% of the cost of seed (maximum ` 1200/- per quintal) iii) Compact Block Demonstration of 5 Ha. each – 50% subsidy on the cost of inputs with maximum limit per Demonstration Groundnut - ` 4000/- Gingelly, - ` 1500/- Sunflower - ` 2500/- iv) Distribution of Rhizobium Packets – A subsidy of 50% on the cost (maximum ` 100/- per ha) v) Organizing Integrated Pest Management Demonstration of 10 ha each – A provision of ` 22680/- is made towards the cost of inputs to layout the demonstration and for Training. vi) Distribution of Gypsum – 50% of the cost of material plus transport charges (maximum ` 750/- per ha.) vii) Distribution of Plant Protection Equipment – a) For Manually operated sprayers 50%subsidy in the cost of equipment (maximum ` 800/-) b) For Power operated sprayers 50%subsidy in the cost of equipment (maximum ` 2000/-) viii) Training of Farmers on Oilseeds Production Technologies – A provision of ` 15000/- per batch of 50 farmers towards incidental charges ix) Distribution of Bio- Pesticides – 50% Subsidy (maximum ` 250/Ha.) x) Distribution of Weedicides – 50% Subsidy (maximum ` 500/Ha) xi) Pipes carrying water from source to field: A subsidy of 50% in the cost or maximum of ` 15,000 whichever is less for water carrying pipes upto 800 meter and all types of pipes (PVC/ HDPE etc.,) and all size as per the requirement of the farmer xii) Combined Nutrient Spray for groundnut. A subsidy of ` 200/- per ha for spraying of nutrient mixture of DAP,Ammonium Sulphate and Borax.
Scheme Type: na
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