Agriculture - Farmers Welfare Department
Concerned Department: Agriculture - Farmers Welfare Department
Concerned District:
Organisation Name: Department
Scheme Details:
Scheme Title/Name: Skill Development Training Schemes and Skill Upgradation Training Schemes
Associated Scheme:
Sponsered By: State
Funding Pattern: Reimburseme nt upto 50% of the tuition fees
Beneficiaries: Manufacturers
Types of Benefits: Incentives
Eligibility criteria:
Age From:
Age To:
How To avail: Not applicable.
Validity of the Scheme:
Introduced On:
Description: Skill Development training Schemes for the benefit of educated unemployed youth and Skill Upgradation training Schemes for upgrading skills of existing employees of Micro, Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises. Anywhere in the State
Scheme Type: Download
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