Government Orders

Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department



G.O.(Ms). No.196

Schemes – State Scheme – Sanction of Rs.25.00 Crore for Implementation of “Self Sufficiency Scheme”(SSS) during 2020-21 and approval of Guidelines prescribed during the year 2020-21 – Orders – Issued.



G.O.(Ms). No.193

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme – Increasing of the consolidated pay of the Computer Assistants working under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme from Rs.12,000/- to Rs.14,000/- per month for the 1,843 Computer Assistants – Orders - Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.189

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme – Announcement made by Hon’ble Chief Minister under Rule 110 on the floor of the Legislative Assembly on 19.3.2020 – Construction of Individual and Community Soak Pits at a cost of Rs.200.41 crores under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Rural Areas during the year 2020-21 – Administrative Sanction accorded – Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.190

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme – Announcement made by Hon’ble Minister (MA, RD and Impn. of Spl. Programme) on the floor of the Legislative Assembly on 16.03.2020 – Construction of 200 Milk Collection Centres at a total cost of Rs.30.54 crores under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Rural Areas during the financial year 2020-21 – Administrative Sanction accorded – Orders – Issued



G.O Rt. No. 329

Establishment – Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department – Integrated and Inclusive Public Grievance CM Helpline Management System(IIPGCMS) – Nomination of Public Grievance Redressal Nodal Officer(PGRNO) – Tmt.B.Varalakshmi, Deputy Secretary to Government – Appointed as Public Grievance Redressal Nodal Officer(PGRNO) – Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.181

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme – Announcement made by Hon’ble Minister (MA, RD and Impn. of Spl. Programme) on the floor of the Legislative Assembly on 16.03.2020 – Undertaking Massive Tree Plantation activities of 72 lakh plants seedlings at an estimated cost of Rs.224.57 crores under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Rural Areas during the Financial Year 2020-21 – Administrative Sanction accorded – Orders- Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.185

Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department – Announcement made by Hon’ble Chief Minister under Rule 110 on the floor of the Legislative Assembly on 19.3.2020 – Construction of Rural Connectivity (Single Layer WBM Roads with formation) for unconnected Habitations and SC/ST/ Tribal and Hilly areas and farm lands to a length of 2500 Km under MGNREGS for the year 2020-21 – Administrative Sanction accorded – Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.186

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme – Announcement made by Hon’ble Chief Minister under Rule 110 on the floor of the Legislative Assembly on 19.3.2020 – Construction of Cement Concrete Drain in Rural Areas to a length of 300 Km at a total cost of Rs.130.32 crore under MGNREGS during the financial year 2020-21 – Administrative Sanction accorded – Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.182

Announcement made by Hon’ble Minister (MA, RD and Impn. of Spl. Programme) on the floor of the Legislative Assembly on 16.03.2020 - Construction of 100 Village Haats at a total cost of Rs.41.03 crore under MGNREGS during the financial year 2020-21 – Administrative Sanction accorded – Orders- Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.184

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme – Announcement made by Hon’ble Chief Minister under Rule 110 on the floor of the Legislative Assembly on 19.3.2020 – Construction of 25,000 Cattle and Goat Shelters at a total cost of Rs.431 crore under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme for the year 2020-21 – Administrative Sanction accorded – Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.171

Announcement made by Hon’ble Minister (MA, RD and Impn. of Spl. Programme) on the floor of the Legislative Assembly on 16.03.2020 -Construction of 100 Food Grain Godowns during the year 2020-21 at a total cost of Rs.14.08 crores – Administrative Sanction Accorded – Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.167

Schemes – Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department – Member of Legislative Assembly Constituency Development Scheme – 2020-21 – Scheme implementation – Guidelines issued for the year 2020-21 – Amendment to the Guidelines–Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.311

Writ Appeal – Appearance of Thiru.Vijay Narayan, Advocate General of Tamil Nadu, High Court of Madras, assisted by Thiru.Vigneswaran, Government Advocate in W.A.No.958/2020 filed by Tvl.G. Ramesh and 6 others of various Village Panchayat Presidents in Tamil Nadu, against orders of Hon’ble High Court in W.P.No.9735/2020 – Sanctioned – Orders - Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.165

MGNREGA – Sanction of Rs.249,16,66,667/- as 2nd installment of 1st Tranche of Central Assistance for Material and Administrative Component for the financial year 2020-21 – along with proportionate state share for Material component – Accorded – Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.141

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme – Implementation of Water Security and Climate Adaptation (WASCA) Project – State Level Steering Committee – Constituted - Amendment - Orders – Issued



G.O.(D) No.176

Corona Virus Disease(COVID–19) – Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department – Appointment of Nodal Officer for coordinating COVID-19 related works for Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department – Orders – Issued.



G.O.(Ms). No.133

Schemes – State Scheme – Chief Minister’s Green House Scheme (CMGHS) – Implementation of the Scheme for the year 2020-21 – Construction of 20,000 Green Houses including 8803 houses for Tribal families during 2020-21 – Administrative Sanction – Guidelines prescribed – Orders – Issued.



G.O.(Ms). No.132

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme - Announcement made by Hon’ble Chief Minister under Rule 110 on the floor of the Legislative Assembly on 19.3.2020 - Construction of 1000 Individual Dug Wells and 1000 Community Wells in Rural areas at a cost of Rs.197.30 crore under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme during the year 2020-21 – Permission accorded – Orders – Issued.



G.O.(Ms). No.130

Schemes – State Scheme – Member of Legislative Assembly Constituency Development Scheme (MLACDS) – Implementation of Scheme – Administrative Sanction of funds and prescribing Guidelines for the year 2020-2021 – Approved – Orders - Issued.



G.O.(Rt). No.210

Writ – Appearance of Thiru.P.H.Arvindh Pandian, Additional Advocate General –II of Tamil Nadu, High Court of Madras, assisted by Thiru.V.Jayaprakash Narayanan, Government Pleader, in W.P.No.9735/2020 filed by Tvl G. Ramesh and 6 others of various Village Panchayat Presidents in Tamilnadu, on the file of Hon’ble High Court at Madras – Sanction – Accorded - Orders - Issued.



G.O.(Ms). No.127

Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) – Tamil Nadu – State Specific Operational Guidelines issued – Amendment – Orders – Issued.



G.O.(Ms). No.125

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme – Announcement made by Hon’ble Minister (MA, RD and Impn. of Spl. Programme) on the floor of the Legislative Assembly on 16.03.2020 - Construction of 100 Threshing Floors at a total cost of Rs.5.43 crores under MGNREGS for the year 2020-21 – Permission accorded – Orders- Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.126

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme – Announcement made by Hon’ble Chief Minister under Rule 110 on the floor of the Legislative Assembly on 19.3.2020 – Construction of Cement Concrete Pavement, Paver Block Pavement and Culverts / Cross Drainage Structures in Rural Areas at a total cost of Rs.636.71 crore under MGNREGS for the year 2020-21 – Permission accorded – Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.112

Schemes – Centrally Sponsored Schemes – Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) – Release of Performance based Incentive Grants of Rs.118,96,94,000/- released by Government of India under Swachh Bharat Mission support operation based on 3rd round of NARS Survey to Tamil Nadu for the year 2020-21 - Sanction accorded – Orders –Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.96

MGNREGA – Sanction of Rs.850,68,75,833/- as 1st installment of 1st Tranche of Central Assistance for Material and Administrative Component for the financial year 2020-21 along with proportionate State share for Material component – Accorded – Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.92

COVID-19 – Rural Development and Panchayat Raj – Commencement of works under MGNREGS in rural areas excluding containment zones and Red Blocks – Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.90

Jal Jeevan Mission – Amendment to constitution of District Water and Sanitation Committee under Jal Jeevan Mission and formation of District level Project Management Unit – Orders – Issued.



G.O.(Ms). No.86

MGNREGS – Enhanced Wage Rate from Rs.229/- to Rs.256/- - Revised Rural Schedule of Rates for the year 2020-21 under MGNREGS – Approved – Orders – Issued.



G.O.(Ms). No.82

Schemes – Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme - Revision of Wage Rate from Rs.229/- to Rs.256/- under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) – Adoption in Tamil Nadu – Orders - Issued



G.O.(Rt). No.129

Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department – Posting of Thiru S.S.Kumar, ADRD as Additional Director, Strategy and Implementation in the office of PMU, JJM on deputation along with holding the post of Additional Director of Rural Development, PTSLP – Orders - Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.75

Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) – Tamil Nadu – Establishment of PMU at State level for SWSM, Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) under Mission Director – Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.69

Jal Jeevan Mission – Formation of State Level Coordination Committee – Orders – Issued.



G.O.(Ms). No.68

Jal Jeevan Mission – Constitution of District Water and Sanitation Committee under Jal Jeevan Mission – Orders – Issued.



G.O.(Ms). No.65

Jal Jeevan Mission – Appointment of Mission Director and constitution of various Committees under Jal Jeevan Mission – Orders – Issued.



G.O.(Ms). No.64

Jal Jeevan Mission – Nomination of Nodal Department and State Nodal Officer for Jal Jeevan Mission – Orders – Issued.



G.O.(Ms). No.53

Centrally Sponsored Schemes - Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana(Gramin) 2017-2018 – Release of balance part of 2nd Installment of Central share of Rs.187,50,82,000/- to State Nodal Account of Tamil Nadu – Claiming of balance part of 2nd Installment of corresponding State share amounting to Rs.125,00,54,400/- Sanction - Accorded - Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.47

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme – Fund released by Government of India to Social Audit Unit (1st Installment) – Sanction of Rs.12,02,74,000/- towards Central Assistance for conducting and staffing of Independent Social Audit Unit under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme for the financial year 2019-2020 – Accorded – Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.46

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme – Announcement made by Hon’ble Chief Minister under Rule 110 on the floor of the Legislative Assembly on 09.7.2019 – Establishment of 12,524 Amma Youth Sports Centres in all the 12,524 Village Panchayats covering Volley ball Court, Kabadi Court and either Cricket Pitch or Badminton Court under MGNREGS during 2019-20 – Sanction accorded and Guidelines approved – Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.35

Cluster Facilitation Project (CFP) in Tamil Nadu – Formation of State Level Committee - To implement the Cluster Facilitation Project (CFP) in Tamil Nadu - Orders - Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.27

Centrally Sponsored Schemes – Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana(Gramin) 2017-2018 – Release of 2nd installment of State Additional Fund for RCC Roofing Cost of Rs.325,53,50,000/- – Sanction - Accorded - Orders – Issued



G.O.(Ms). No.22

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme – Fund released by Government of India for 5th installment of 1st Tranche – Sanction of Rs.20,84,78,000/- towards Material and Administrative Component under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme with proportionate State share for Material component for financial year 2019-20 – Accorded – Orders – Issued.



G.O.(Ms). No.15

Announcement – Announcement made by the Hon’ble Minister (MA, RD and Imp. of Spl. Prog) on the floor of Legislative Assembly on 08.07.2019 - Establishment of Micro Composting Centres in Peri-Urban / Bigger Village Panchayats and guidelines approved – Orders - Issued.



G.O.(Ms). No.12

Announcements – 2019-20 – Announcement made by Hon’ble Minister (MA, RD and Impn. of Spl. Programme) – Establishment of Five Fecal Sludge Treatment Plant on pilot basis with an allocation of Rs.5 crore under Swachh Bharat Misson (Gramin) - Sanction – Accorded – Guidelines approved – Orders – Issued.



G.O.(Ms). No.13

Announcements - Sanitation Policy for Rural areas – Announcement made by the Honorable Minister (MA, RD and Impn. of Spl. Prog.) in the Legislative Assembly for the year 2019-20 – Comprehensive Sanitation Policy for Rural areas – Approved – Orders – Issued.