Government Orders

Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Department



G.O (Ms) No.46

Social Welfare and Women Empowerment - “Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Higher Education Assurance Scheme” in the place of Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Memorial Marriage Assistance Scheme – Implementation Guidelines - Orders - Issued.



G.O.(D) No.110

Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Department – Anganwadi Services - Announcement made by the Hon’ble Minister (SW-WE) – Sanction of expenditure to procure 1000 ICT Based Growth Monitoring Devices to monitor low birth weight babies (LBW) for the year 2022-2023 - Orders – Issued



G.O.(D) No.111

Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Department – Anganwadi Services - Announcement made by the Hon’ble Minister (SW-WE) - Sanction of expenditure to conduct Awareness Campaigns on Hand washing and Cleanliness to combat Anaemia in 20 Districts of Tamil Nadu at a cost of Rs.4.75 crore under Flexi fund of POSHAN Abhiyaan for the year 2022-2023 – Orders – Issued



G.O.(D) No.112

Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Department – Anganwadi Services - Announcement made by the Hon’ble Minister (SW-WE) - Sanction of expenditure to procure the items for awareness creation on first 1000 days of child’s life in maternity hospitals, ICDS offices and Anganwadi centres – Orders – Issued



G.O.(D) No.111

Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Department – Anganwadi Services - Announcement made by the Hon’ble Minister (SW-WE) - Sanction of expenditure to conduct Awareness Campaigns on Hand washing and Cleanliness to combat Anaemia in 20 Districts of Tamil Nadu at a cost of Rs.4.75 crore under Flexi fund of POSHAN Abhiyaan for the year 2022-2023 – Orders – Issued