Government Orders

Micro , Small and Medium Enterprises Department



G.O. (Ms.) No.50

Tamil Nadu Small, Industries Development Corporation (SIDCO) - Announcement-made by the Honorable Chief Minister under 110 - Formation of New Industrial Estates through Joint Venture Mode - Orders issued



G.O. (Ms.) No.44

Tamil Nadu Small Industries Development Corporation Limited (SIDCO) - Announcement made by the Honorable Chief Minister under rule 110 - To provide 75 percent grant of the total development cost up to the maximum of Rs. 15 Crores for getting Infrastructure facilities like road, water supply, electricity, conference hall, common facility center etc. to entrepreneurs prepared to shift their existing units outside the urban areas - To provide 50 percent of grant with maximum grant of Rs.10 Crores to entrepreneurs coming forward to setup new clusters in the outskirts of towns / cities - Guidelines - Orders Issued