Government Orders

Micro , Small and Medium Enterprises Department



G.O Ms. No. 68

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Department - Honble Chief Ministers Announcement during the year 2022 - launching of new Tamil Nadu Startup and Innovation Policy 2023 Orders - Issued.



G.O. (Ms.) No.40

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Department - MSME Policy, 2021 - Capital Subsidy - Industry related Service Sector Enterprises to be made eligible for Capital Subsidy - Incorporation of the sub chapter 7.8 of Chapter 7 of guidelines of MSME Policy, 2021 - Amendment - Orders - Issued.



G.O. (Ms.) No.36

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Department - Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme (UYEGP) scheme - Enhancing the maximum eligible project cost for Trading activities from Rs.5.00 lakh to Rs.15.00 lakh and maximum eligible subsidy from Rs.1.25 lakh to Rs.3.75 lakh - Orders - Issued



G.O. (Ms.) No.37

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Department - Schemes - Enhancement of upper age limit for general category entrepreneurs from 35 to 45 years and for special category entrepreneurs from 45 to 55 years under Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme (UYEGP) and New Entrepreneur–cum- Enterprise Development Scheme (NEEDS) - Orders - Issued.



G.O. (Ms.) No.39

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Department - Capital Subsidy scheme - MSME Policy, 2021 - Sanctioning of 25 percent capital subsidy on the cost of high-tech shuttleless weaving attachments (Retrofitting), Jacquard etc., for Power Looms - Amendment to sub chapter 6.1 of chapter 6 of guidelines of MSME Policy, 2021 - Orders - Issued.



G.O. (Ms.) No.38

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Department - MSME Policy, 2021 - Capital Subsidy - Installation of Green House Driers / Mechanical Drier, Pollution prevention equipments and ETP plant for the New and existing Coir Sector enterprises - To make eligible for Capital Subsidy - Incorporation of the sub chapter 7.7 of Chapter 7 of the guidelines of MSME Policy, 2021 - Amendment - Orders - Issued.



G.O. (Ms.) No.33

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises – Schemes - Announcement made by Hon’ble Minister (Finance and Human Resources Management) during the Budget Speech 2023-2024–Implementation of Annal Ambedkar Business Champions Scheme (AABCS) from 2023-2024 onwards - Necessary modalities guidelines for implementation of the scheme and sanction of funds - Orders - Issued.



G.O. (Ms.) No.17

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises – Ban on use of certain types of plastics - Relief package for the MSMEs affected due to ban on use of certain types of plastics- Sanctioned - Amendments - Orders Issued.